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This is my scrapbook. You can also call it a 'commonplace book', digital garden, second brain, or whatever metaphor works for you.

Basically, here I collect anything nice that I find on the web (from music videos to interesting design cases for my work), and sometimes add a sentence or two. It's basically a public bookmarking site for me.

Stuff posted here should be linked with my mastodon-account as well, so you can follow me there if you prefer.

I also have a 'proper' and more static website.


Fixing Tech’s Design Problem

UX designers, engineers, and the iPhone's co-designer are reassessing the priorities behind the ways we interact with apps and devices.



An amazing example of designing for a real need and understanding your (niche) audience.

The ‘Yayagram’ is a “machine that helps our beloved elders to keep communicating with their grandchildren” by Manu (@mrcatacroquer on Twitter).



See the twitter thread for the full details, from the background to the technological implementation: