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Digital transformation and the Technology Fallacy

“There was one path to digital transformation, and it was through a defined set of cultural characteristics that are not unfamiliar: actively increasing agility, encouraging experiments and continual learning, recognizing and rewarding collaboration, accepting an appropriate level of risk of failure, and increasingly organizing around cross-functional teams. If you want to start somewhere, this is where you should start. It doesn't matter what flashy technology you have in place; if you don't have these things, you're not going to get very far.”

(Gerald Kane (2019) The Technology Fallacy, Research-Technology Management, 62:6, 44-49, DOI: 10.1080/08956308.2019.1661079)

Interesting insights, or maybe evidence-based confirmation, of what it takes to do real digital transformation: an open mind, iteration, interdisciplinarity and collaboration.



Wild Pink

"You're a fucking baby but your pain is valid too..."



Sometimes artists continue for a solo career after their band; the Austrian Anna Friedberg does the reverse. After two albums, she relocated to London to form a band. Their debut ep Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah is out now.


Early 2021 Highlights

A playlist with the highlights of the first three months of 2021.


For Those I Love

For Those I Love is the moniker of David Balfe from Dublin. For fans of The Streets and Kate Tempest.